7D – Mobile Entertainment Simulator

7D Mobile Entertainment Simulator or 7D Cinema on Wheels is a portable movie theater that provides an immersive and unique movie experience to its customers. It is a self-contained unit that can be easily transported and set up in various locations, making it an excellent option for events, parties, and corporate gatherings.

The 7D Cinema on Wheels is equipped with advanced technology that combines 3D graphics with sensory effects like vibration, wind, and water spray to create a fully immersive experience. The seats in the theater move and vibrate in sync with the action on the screen, making it feel like you’re a part of the movie.

The cinema on wheels is operated by trained professionals who can guide you through the process and ensure that your experience is seamless and enjoyable. It can accommodate a small group of people, making it a great option for birthday parties, family gatherings, and other small events.

It comes with 6, 8, 12, and 16 seats.